Tweed Airport

The Yale Aviation aircraft are based at the general aviation terminal of Tweed New Haven airport and accessed through Robinson Aviation FBO:

Tweed New Haven Airport
FBO: Robinson Aviation KHVN

Direction to Robinson Aviation / Yale Aviation Club:
From New Haven, I-91, and northbound on I-95 from anywhere south of exit 50. General strategy: proceed to Tweed Airport main terminal, then go left before reaching Tweed and proceed to the opposite side of the airport. You are looking for 50 Thompson Ave. East Haven, CT.  Parking is in front.

KHVN Weather Report via NOAA

[adds_weather apts='KHVN' hours=2 show_metar=1 show_taf=1 show_pireps=1 show_station_info=1 radial_dist=100 title='']